it’s like…sunshine after rain

Mothers and daughters. Daughters and fathers. Friends. Sons. Lovers.

A short film that explores myriad experiences of love through movement, music, and words, featuring extracts from various interviews conducted in 2021 and 2022.

This film is an adaptation of a solo my brother Harry made for the stage, which premiered in 2021. His original dance piece was inspired by telling the stories of these different relationships, and exploring in what ways love is beautifully unique to all of us as well as being an inevitable human experience we cannot help but share.

Original concept/choreography: Harry Theadora Foster

Direction and editing: Theadora Foster

Cinematography: Ana Nedeljković and Theadora Foster

Producers: Rowan Gould-Bayba and Giona Sem

Music: Flavien Berger, ‘Pampelmousse’ (Contre-Temps, 2018). Reproduced by permission of artist.

Featuring Clare Foster, Maurice Foster, Shannon Koffler and Cogan Koffler.

A Sugarpunk Ltd. production.

Special thanks to Ali Shreim, Steve Reverand, Rambert School and Prague Film School.